Riverview Animal Health Centre is now offering General Practice Services to all our clients. Contact us to book an appointment with one of our dedicated veterinarians!


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The Life of a 3-legged Pet
The Life of a 3-legged Pet

The Life of a 3-legged Pet

At first thought, when a veterinarian recommends or suggests the option of amputation for your pet, it might sound pretty scary. 

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CT Scans for Your Pet!
CT Scans for Your Pet!

CT Scans for Your Pet!

Riverview Animal Hospital is excited to announce the availability of Computed tomography (CT) scans at our hospital!

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The Importance of Fasting Before Surgery
The Importance of Fasting Before Surgery

The Importance of Fasting Before Surgery

Usually when you’re considering booking surgery for your pet, we like to make sure that they have fasted appropriately beforehand, so we can avoid simple complications.

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Ticks are a commonly found parasite in our region. They like to hide in tall grass and bushes, and like to latch on to our pets when taking a nice stroll or playing in the grass.

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Water Safety for your Pets
Splashing in the Pool: Water Safety for your Pets

Water Safety for your Pets

In these hot summer months, it’s no wonder a lot of people enjoy the refreshing feeling of jumping into a pool. 

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Rescue organizations in Moncton are reeling from a devastating loss, losing dozens of cats these last two weeks from a fatal virus called panleukopenia.

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Benefits of a Dental Diet
Benefits of a Dental Diet

Benefits of a Dental Diet

Do you find it difficult to brush your dog’s teeth on a daily basis? Visit your veterinarian to see if a dental diet is right for your pet.

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What to Do with the Broken Tooth?
What to Do with the Broken Tooth?

What to Do with the Broken Tooth?

In this blog, we will discuss the pathology of the canine tooth, following a traumatic incident and what we should do about it.

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Dental Products
Dental Products

Dental Products

In addition to our up and coming dental months in February and March, we also offer a variety of oral health products to keep up with your pet’s oral health all year long.

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Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs
Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is becoming more common in food products because it has 40% less calories than regular sugar. 

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Recently one of our own staff members’ pets, Charlie, was brought in to have a full dental cleaning done. Charlie is owned by our very own Dr. Arsenault! 

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So Your Dog Got High?
So Your Dog Got High?

So Your Dog Got High?

As we grow closer to Marijuana becoming legalized, we are seeing an increase in the number of dogs coming into vet clinics with marijuana toxicity. 

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