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Flea and Tick Control

These tiny parasites can cause discomfort and illness. Create a prevention plan for your cat.

External parasites are always concerning when it comes to our pets. Fleas and ticks are two of the most common. Fleas are a nuisance to our cats, they can make them very itchy and can even cause skin disease in severe infestations, they can also pass along internal parasites like tapeworms. Although cat fleas do not like humans, they will try to bite us if our house is infested. One way to prevent this is to ensure your cat is on flea control when the flea season starts. May until December is our prime months for fleas. Our veterinarian will recommend the best product for your cat, during their annual exam. Ticks are a fairly new parasite to our area. Did you know that ticks are moving closer to Moncton by up to 46 km a year? Did you also know that cats do not get Lyme disease?

What are fleas?

Fleas are a small jumping insect that feeds off the blood in mammals.

How do fleas harm cats?

Fleas harm cats by biting them and feeding on their blood (like mosquitoes in humans). They can cause discomfort and make you cat very itchy. All fleas also carry tapeworm, which can be damaging to your cat’s health if left untreated.

Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?

Treating and preventing fleas in your cat is an important role to their health, as they can cause health problems such as tapeworm infestation, allergic reactions from the flea saliva, and cause discomfort in your pet. Fleas can also jump from host to host and spread very quickly. Once you have a flea infestation, it is very important to treat all animals in the household and break the flea life cycle. It can take up to 3 months of treatment from your veterinarian to break the flea lifecycle.

What are some simple steps for treating fleas in your senior cat?

Our veterinarian will recommend the best treatment for your senior cat, during their annual health exam. The prescription flea medications from animal hospitals are very safe and can be used on cats of most age groups.

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